Frequently Asked Questions

For EVV: Electronic Visit Verification

What is EVV, and does it pertain to DDD and self-direction?

EVV or Electronic Verification, is a web-based system that verifies when a consumer visit occurs and makes the SDE document the precise time services begin and end. It ensures that the consumer receives their authorized services. EVV allows an SDE to confirm that the services were delivered electronically, like a phone call or Mobile Application.

Why do we need to use EVV?

In 2016, Congress passed the 21st Century Cures Ac, which required EVV for all Medicaid-funded personal care services by January 1st, 2020. EVV requirements will apply to all self-directed services provided through the Financial Management Service; Agency With Choice program.

*EVV is required to be written in the annual ISP and should be documented on the SDR. Please speak with your support coordinator on any/all services that require EVV and the process.

Which services are affected?

The 21st Century Cures Act mandate requires EVV for all personal care services with an “in-home” visit. In New Jersey, this includes:

  • Individual Supports
  • Community Based Supports
  • In-Home Respite
  • Self-Directed Supports

What type of information will be collected through EVV?

The 21st Century Cures Act requires that states use EVV to collect six main data points:

  • Type of Service
  • Person Served
  • Dates of Service
  • Locaton of Service
  • Name of SDE
  • Time of Service

How will this impact the consumer’s services at Agency with Choice (AwC)?

Our main goal at AwC is to ensure that the consumer’s services are impacted as little as possible during this transition. However, EVV will require services to be scheduled in advance and the SDE to clock in and out. This process should not take away from services being delivered.

*Be sure to see the webinar series located on our webpage on EVV information for more details.

Where can I download the Mobile App?

The EVV Mobile App is available for iPhone and Android users through the App Store or Google Play. To locate and download the App, please enter the keyword HHA Exchange in the App Store or Google Play search bar. SDEs are responsible for downloading and installing the application on their personal mobile device.

*Our customer service team can assist you with the setup by calling or emailing.

How do I register for the Mobile App?

Once the Mobile App is downloaded, you will create an account using a two-step process. First, you must sign up by creating a login credential which will be your personal email address and a password. Following that, you will receive a Verification Email with instructions on how to log in to the App.

Will the mobile app use my location or information outside of EVV?

Rest assured, HHAeXchange will not use app or location services on the device outside of when the employee is clocking in and out of their shift.

Is there and alternative method to use EVV besides downloading the Mobile App?

Yes, SDEs can utilize the phone call-in method to satisfy the EVV requirement.

What is the phone call-in method?

Instead of clocking in/out of the mobile app, SDEs will call in/out to a designated number from the consumer’s home phone when providing services and support.

How do I register for the phone call-in method?

SDEs must contact AwC EVV Support email,, to acquire their personal call-in PIN# if they choose this EVV method.


Additional information links can be found below